Railway Technology
Rolling stock:
All railway vehicles including locomotives, coaches, wagons, and the internal technology for operations:
displays, air conditioning, water supply and waste water collection, door operation, onboard safety, entertainment infrastructure, switches, electrical engines, combustion engines, transmissions, etc.
Rail infrastructure:
rail switches, rail crossings, signal infrastructures, safety systems, etc.
In both cases, the focus is on longevity and safety.
Examples of components
The wide range of railway technology causes a wide range of components which are welded with beam technology.
Meeting detailed standards and producing according to validated processes is essential. Here the fully automated beam welding facilitates the approach. The beam welding systems can document the production process parameters per produced part.
The harsh requirements for rolling stock regarding safety, endurance, and reduction of environmental footprint imply the need for more light-weight overall structures and components. This can be achieved by applying specific metals: e.g. Titanium, Aluminum.
For handling the high loads of electrical power, massive copper devices are needed. Here especially the electron beam technology comes into action.
- Connectors
- DC switches
- Circuit breakers
- Power transmission heads